Bookfest at Charlotte Mason School

We had an incredible time in our first (hopefully of many!) Bookfest at Charlotte Mason Community School. Students from every grade were involved in the festivities as we provided energizing and engaging activities for the kids!

In the school auditorium, actress & storyteller, Madelyn Porter, entranced students with an exciting interactive storytime, bringing the love of music and literacy together. Students engaged instruments and noisemakers to help Ms. Porter bring the story to life!

Across the school, the gym was full of tables with stacks and stacks of books! Students were able to peruse through the books at their reading level. Each student went home with 3 new books from the Soar Detroit library.

The fun didn’t end there- what’s a new book without a new bookmark or name plate? Students were able to choose a design and decorate brand-new accessories for their books.

A huge shout out to the older students at Charlotte Mason who helped us set up the event and assisted younger kids with picking out their books! And of course, thank you to Principal Chrisara Moore for welcoming us into her school!


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